A Rebel Heart

Most think of a rebel as some who is a lawbreaker but what if I told you that is not always the case. I consider myself a rebel, however I'm not what you'd call a normal rebel. I am not rebellious to authority and I'm not a lawbreaker. When I was younger I wanted everyone like me, So I would like the same thing as everyone else and try to be like everyone else, even dress like everyone else. But one day I got tired of trying to fit in. It just wasn't me. So at 18 I decided to just be me. To be who God created me to be. It wasn't easy. And I have had haters along the way. And as I've gotten older I've noticed that a LOT of people have their own ideas of who I should be and what I should do with my life. Some aren't happy that I preach...because I'm a girl. But at the end of the day their opinions of who I should be or what I should be doing with my life doesn't matter. I am CALLED and because I am, I will keep doing what I'm doing. A few years back Someone once told me
"you can't be half a rebel." I remember being confused, because I worked hard on not being rebellious. What their meaning behind that statement was that I can't let others negative opinions dictate me and the calling on my life. If I say I'm gonna preach the gospel fearlessly  then I should preach the gospel fearlessly and STOP letting others views effect me. It can be hard being a single women in ministry and working to get her credentials. No everyone takes me seriously. And some probably think its a phase. Well, its NOT.
 So what makes me a rebel?
I wont every stop preaching the gospel just because someone thinks I shouldn't preach because I am a girl. There are to many lost and hurting people who don't know that God loves them with all of His heart and that Jesus died for them because He loves them as well. And I will NOT let others keep me from the calling on my life.
I know I am not the only one in the world who struggles with hatters or others views and opinions. Just remember God has calling you! And He has equipped you. Honestly it's not my big hair or black nails that make me a rebel. It's the fire inside to share the gospel with everyone. It's the drive to stand out for Christ and to not conform to the ways of the world.
So yeah I think of myself as a rebel. A rebel for the cause of Christ.

I hope this inspires someone this week.

Girl In Ministry.


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