"And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split." (Matt 27:50-51)
This verse has been heavy on my heart lately. When I read it, I think about the price of our freedom, and I have to stop and give thanks to God for loving me so much that He sent His son. And I have to give thanks to Christ for loving me so much that He died for me.
When Christ died, that meant that Grace, hope, forgiveness, healing, and so much more was available for us in a new way. Freedom was made available for us. Every time I hear "The veil of the temple was torn," in my mind I see chains broken. Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual chains. We are all slaves to something, whether it's by choice or not.
I want to talk about two kinds of slaves.
1st kind are the ones who did NOT choose to be slaves.
They are bought and paid for. Yes, I am talking about Human Trafficking. Men, women, and children: sold, so that an industry can make money.
What is this world coming to?
That leads me to the 2nd kind of slaves who don't know how to GET help. They are drawn to watch it alone in a dark room.
Yes, I am talking about porn.
Here we have two different kind of slaves but both are important. Why are they BOTH important? Because when the VEIL was TORN it was for EVERYONE. These are only two types of slaves, there are SO many more!
We are all slaves to something. Christ died that we would all have eternal life.
So, for ALL you Christians reading this... How many of your friends, family, co-workers know that Christ died for them, and they NO LONGER have to be a slave to SIN? What about all the men, women, and children who are in trafficked? Do they know that they can have freedom from all the hurts they have? Do they know that Jehovah Rapha, our Healer (Psalm 30:2) is ready and waiting to heal them physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

I want y'all to walk away knowing that God can heal every hurt we have. That Christ died for EVERYONE so EVERYONE can have eternal life.
And join the movement to end human trafficking. #EndItMovement #DontClick
It's time to start fighting for freedom.
Until next time...
Girl In Ministry

When Christ died, that meant that Grace, hope, forgiveness, healing, and so much more was available for us in a new way. Freedom was made available for us. Every time I hear "The veil of the temple was torn," in my mind I see chains broken. Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual chains. We are all slaves to something, whether it's by choice or not.
I want to talk about two kinds of slaves.
1st kind are the ones who did NOT choose to be slaves.
They are bought and paid for. Yes, I am talking about Human Trafficking. Men, women, and children: sold, so that an industry can make money.
What is this world coming to?
That leads me to the 2nd kind of slaves who don't know how to GET help. They are drawn to watch it alone in a dark room.
Yes, I am talking about porn.
Here we have two different kind of slaves but both are important. Why are they BOTH important? Because when the VEIL was TORN it was for EVERYONE. These are only two types of slaves, there are SO many more!
We are all slaves to something. Christ died that we would all have eternal life.
So, for ALL you Christians reading this... How many of your friends, family, co-workers know that Christ died for them, and they NO LONGER have to be a slave to SIN? What about all the men, women, and children who are in trafficked? Do they know that they can have freedom from all the hurts they have? Do they know that Jehovah Rapha, our Healer (Psalm 30:2) is ready and waiting to heal them physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

I want y'all to walk away knowing that God can heal every hurt we have. That Christ died for EVERYONE so EVERYONE can have eternal life.
And join the movement to end human trafficking. #EndItMovement #DontClick
It's time to start fighting for freedom.
Until next time...
Girl In Ministry
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