A few days ago I felt God lay some things on my heart that I need to work on in this upcoming year.
I'd like to share them with y'all.

1. Trusting Him more. I still have areas in my life I don't trust Him in 100% and it's time for that to change. I have found that I let anxiety run wild. It keeps me from fully trusting God. AND THAT'S NOT OK.

2. I need to surrender my heart, my worries, and my negative outlook when things get hard. The act of surrendering is something I need to do daily.

3. I need to forgive those who have hurt me. To keep my heart in right standing with God I need to forgive every time some hurts my feelings. Even the tiniest bit of bitterness can change you and the way to treat the ones around you.

For those of y'all whose year might be starting off a bit rough, hang in there! God is for you!
Pray, pray, pray. Prayer is how I have made it through 2014. It will help me make it through 2015.
This year, let your faith be fearless. Don't hold back on your worship. Run to God when you feel the waves crashing down, or when you feel joy overwhelm your heart. Fall in love with God again this year. Stand up for what you believe in. Find good in everyone. Have a teachable heart. Give thanks even when you don't feel like it. Let yourself be broken before God and let Him put you back together.

Dear God,
I pray for all my readers that they have a year of blessings. A year of hope. And a year of joy.
God, you know every one of them by name. And you know what their hearts long for and need. I pray that you show yourself to us in a new way this year.

Thank You God for all you are and all you do.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Have a great day filled with blessings!
Remember to Like my Facebook page!

Girl In Ministry


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