The Barefoot Preacher

There was also something else, I saw a heart willing to surrender.
A camp speaker once said "your shoes represents where you've been and your feet represent where you are now."
When I take off my shoes its an act of Obedience and surrendering. I want to be lead by the spirit when I share the Word Of God. Will I be known as The Barefoot Preacher haha I don't know. But I do know that God has called me and in the end that's all that matters.
So I want to encourage you to Have a a willing obedient heart. I say "willing" because you can be obedient with a unwilling attitude to do what is asked. Also have a heart of surrendering. When we surrender our pride, our bad days, our struggles of the week. We let go of stuff that can hold us back from doing what God has called us to do. So for those of y'all in leadership CHECK your heart, mind, and attitude before walking in the door. And study the gifts of the spirit. And have a teachable heart. The Holy Spirit Can teach us so many things about reaching the lost.
As leaders in ministry we should lead by example. If we want our students to apply what we teach them we must first show them how to and then it is their choice to choose to apply it.
For me its taking off my shoes for you it could be turning off your phone or not talking while the preacher is talking. Only you know what it is keeping you from having a "willing heart" and a " heart of surrendering".
I hope this helps someone.
-Girl In Ministry (The Barefoot Preacher)
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