The Wait
Most girls are looking for their "Prince Charming", "Knight in shining armor". Me not so much.
I'm waiting for a Man of God. When I was a young girl I would watch the youth in my church date and it looked like more heartache then anything else. And I figured if God is who He says He is (Which He is) and has someone for me, then I shouldn't worry about who to date. So at a young age I felt God lay on my heart to wait. That sounds so hard. And it is. As a teen it wasn't very hard not to date. But going into young adulthood I would find it to be and everyday battle.
I would catch myself wondering if I missed my chance. Would I ever meet this Man of God that my heavenly Father has for me? I would also struggle with loneliness.
Loneliness is a heavy sadness where you that there is no hope. It's hard to live life with no hope.

I would soon wonder will I always be single? So what did I do? I ran to God. I started clinging to His promises. "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart." Ps 37:4 AMP
As young women we need to keep our standers high and NEVER lower them for anyone. God has the right "one" for me and you. We just need to trust God. He knows whats best.
While at Starbucks with my sweet cousin, she asked me "How will you know if hes the one God has for you?" And I told her "It will be well with my soul."
He will be the spiritual leader, He will LOVE God with His whole heart, He will put God FIRST even before me, He will not just read the Bible but He will KNOW the WORD OF GOD.
These are thing that matter most.
Now what also matters is that I stay pure. Mind, body, and heart. This is hard for anyone. I mean look at the world we live in. I suggest starting with our minds.
Start with what you watch on Tv and movies, what you read, what you listen to, and what you talk about. If your not sure what you shouldn't watch, read, and talk about... pray and ask God what you should or should watch..excetera.
I want to be the best woman of God I can be. And I know that The Wait will be worth it. So until that day that he and I meet I will GLADLY Wait for him.
I hope this helps someone today. Have a blessed week!
-Girl In Ministry
I'm waiting for a Man of God. When I was a young girl I would watch the youth in my church date and it looked like more heartache then anything else. And I figured if God is who He says He is (Which He is) and has someone for me, then I shouldn't worry about who to date. So at a young age I felt God lay on my heart to wait. That sounds so hard. And it is. As a teen it wasn't very hard not to date. But going into young adulthood I would find it to be and everyday battle.
I would catch myself wondering if I missed my chance. Would I ever meet this Man of God that my heavenly Father has for me? I would also struggle with loneliness.
Loneliness is a heavy sadness where you that there is no hope. It's hard to live life with no hope.

I would soon wonder will I always be single? So what did I do? I ran to God. I started clinging to His promises. "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart." Ps 37:4 AMP
As young women we need to keep our standers high and NEVER lower them for anyone. God has the right "one" for me and you. We just need to trust God. He knows whats best.
While at Starbucks with my sweet cousin, she asked me "How will you know if hes the one God has for you?" And I told her "It will be well with my soul."
He will be the spiritual leader, He will LOVE God with His whole heart, He will put God FIRST even before me, He will not just read the Bible but He will KNOW the WORD OF GOD.
These are thing that matter most.
Now what also matters is that I stay pure. Mind, body, and heart. This is hard for anyone. I mean look at the world we live in. I suggest starting with our minds.
Start with what you watch on Tv and movies, what you read, what you listen to, and what you talk about. If your not sure what you shouldn't watch, read, and talk about... pray and ask God what you should or should watch..excetera.
I want to be the best woman of God I can be. And I know that The Wait will be worth it. So until that day that he and I meet I will GLADLY Wait for him.
I hope this helps someone today. Have a blessed week!
-Girl In Ministry
This was somethin that spoke to me, don't know if you still feel the loneliness or not but regardless the music in this vid is so touching