
Why do we that?? Let things get in the way of our time with God. There have been so many times where I couldn't hear God and now that I'm older I know it was me getting in the way of hearing from God. It was me not making Him first. It was me not making time for Him. And here's the thing I'm still working on it. And the GREAT part is God knows I'm human AND He LOVES me anyways! It is so impotent to have a healthy devotional life. We need it more then we think! It keeps us grounded. We have better understanding. And it feeds our mind and spirit.
And even better our relationship with God is GROWING!
For those of you who want or are in ministry you need to know that the devil will fight you on it. Ever step of the way. BUT DON'T GIVE UP. IT IS WORTH IT!
Your not the first person to struggle and you wont be the last. As Christians we need to be healthy and strong NOT weak. I personally will never stop running after God. He is all I need and want.
I want to reach the lost and do what I was called to do.
My favorite devotionals are:
Jesus Calling & Jesus Today By Sarah Young
My favorite worship music is:
Kari Jobe
Warr Acres
I hope this helps someone.
We all have greatness in us
-Girl In Ministry
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