Single And Not Looking

Being a single girl in ministry can be very hard. Everyone wants to know why your not married or they want to set you up with someone. And everyone thinking they know what kind of guy you need. Or you hear "No guy will every be good enough for you." Okay here's the deal I don't want to be fixed up and I don't want to be married right now. Yes being single can be lonely, and sad at times when it feels like everyone is getting married and having babes HOWEVER the BEST part about being single is that I'm NOT alone. I have God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Family, And Friends!
So many girls in my age group are on the hunt for husbands or a Boyfriend because they don't want to feel alone. Here's the thing about loneliness only God can fix loneliness.We have all try to fill that
whole in our hearts that ONLY God can FILL. So girls STOP running after boys. I don't care how "cute" or if he is a preacher he can't fill that whole in your heart. Only God can.
Trust me I know how hard it is to be single. I've never had a boyfriend or been on a date. And I'm okay with that because right now I need to work on me and my ministry. And I know God has a Man who is good enough for me. He will be a man after Gods heart. He will be on fire for God. He will make God first in his life. He will want to preach the Word.
I'm not worried because I know My heavenly Father has the best for me. And I trust God with everything in me. So for you girls reading this know that God has the best for you so don't stress. It's okay to be single. There are something you can only learn while your single and there are somethings you can only learn when your married.
Don't a husband hunter. Run to God in your time of need. Let Him love on you.

It is hard, I know. It seems that more then half of my friends are married now and I'm still single. Some days I dream about my future someone and other days I never want to get married. We are girls our emotions are all over the place. And that's okay. That way we need to go to God with the heavy weight of sadness, loneliness, or even anger. There have been times when I have been angry asking God "Why? Why am I still single?" or "Why does everyone else get to be happy?"...

I'll tell you why I would ask God questions like that.. It's because I wasn't spending time in His word. I wasn't worshiping Him, Loving on Him. When I am putting my 100% into my relationship with God I don't have time to be lonely or feel sad cause I'm loving on God and He is LOVING on me.
So yes I am single but NO I'm not looking. I'm trusting God on the timing. It's all in His hands.

Hope this helps someone today!

Girl In Ministry


  1. Wow... this is the second of your messages I read and they speak directly to me! Thanks! Continue spreading God's word!


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