A Red Sock

 When your in leadership everything you do and say matters. And the attitude of your heart affects everything in your ministry. The things you let into your heart affects your ministry and your relationship with God.
Look at it like this...
Your washing your white cloths... but somehow a red sock got in there and now all your whites have a light pink color to them.

When we as Christians aren't careful we let Red socks come in and change Our white cloths. What does the red sock represents to you? Is it Bitterness? Anger? Lust? Greed? Jealousy? A bad attitude? So here's the deal that "thing" that is putting red in your wash affects your whole load. It affects your whole life.
 Now I work in youth ministry and I have learned so much about how the attitude of my heart affects the youth I work with. See I can't tell a student to change there bad attitude if I'm not willing to change mine. I can't tell them to be teachable if I'm not willing to be. And I can't tell them to live like Christ if I'm not. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. We need to check our self daily. If you call yourself a Christian then you need to be willing to learn the hard things. And if your a leader you need to make a point to check your heart often. And run to God when you struggle. The people that we are ministering to need us at our best.
So how do we take care of these things? We pray every day. We worship God with everything in us. We read His word daily. And We learn from our mistakes.

Something that I pray often is..

"Dear God,
take out anything that is NOT of you. Help me learn the hard thing that no one wan'ts to learn. In Jesus Name amen."

I'm speaking to the leaders out there... God has called you for a reason don't let a red sock mess everything up. be teachable. Be willing to learn the hard things. As leaders we get to impact so many lives let's be the best we can be!

I'm not sure if this was just for me or if there are others out there who needed this but I hope it helps.

Have a blessed day!

Girl In Ministry


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