The struggle

I knew when I was called into ministry I would face some challenges
. The biggest one was my dyslexia. It was my secret that I didn't what anyone to know about. What is Dyslexia?  

  • Dyslexia is the name for a specific learning disabilities in reading.
  • Dyslexia is often characterized by difficulties with accurate word recognition, decoding and spelling.
  • Dyslexia may cause problems with reading comprehension and slow down vocabulary growth.
  • Dyslexia may result in poor reading fluency and reading out loud.
  • Dyslexia is neurological and often genetic.
  • Dyslexia is not the result of poor instruction.
  • With the proper support, almost all people with dyslexia can become good readers and writers.

Growing up with dyslexia is hard. I lived with it till I was was 20. When I was 20 I took a class in collage that helped me a lot. At the beginning of the semester I was at a 3rd grade reading level but by the end of the semester I would be at college reading level.  Not many people in my life know that I have struggled with dyslexia most of my life. On the inside of my notebook for my reading class I put Philippians 4:13 " I Can do ALL things threw Christ who strengthens Me."
Seeing this verse at the beginning of every class inspire me to work hard and lean on God.

Now dyslexia wasn't my only struggle. I had many others. But like my dyslexia God has shown up and helped me threw them. Not all our struggles are learning disability's. Some are the lost of a friend or family member. Or maybe people doubting your calling. It can be anything. But just know you will get threw it. There was a point in my life where I didn't think I would ever be able to spell, read, or comprehend like I should. But God showed up like He always does. God wants to help us to reach greatness. So don't live in the mindset of "This is as good as it gets". That's so not true! It can get BETTER. We just need to RUN to God in ALL our struggles. I want you to walk away from this with HOPE. Things will get better. I know it! I'm praying for you this week. Don't think your alone in this. cause your not. God is with you. And He is all you need, so run to Him.

He is waiting for you with open arms.
Your not alone. I hope this helps you this week. And I hope it inspires you as well. 
-Girl In Ministry



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