
I have had many seasons in my life. Some I wasn't sure I'd live threw because of the weight of sadness, loneliness, and hurt. And there have been seasons in my life that have been the best of times. In the hard seasons I would always feel like things where never gonna get better. I would feel like I had to fake happiness. I would walk around sad and defeated. Earlier this year I went threw a hard season. My life was changing. And I was gonna have to do some growing up. I slipped into a depression. I couldn't shake this heavy sadness that fallowed me everywhere. Things that always brought joy to me, weren't bringing joy into my life anymore. I spent more time crying at night then I did sleeping. I felt lost. Alone. And not called. That is the worst feeling in the WORLD. Not feeling called. My doubts would become the only voice in my head. My fears would always fined a way to overwhelm me every day. All of this would go on for 6 or 7 months. One day while feeling broken and Hopeless and trying to fake happiness I felt the Holy Spirit lay on my heart that I need to embrace My weakness, my pain, my storm.
Here's the thing we will always have hard times like these and we can ether throw pity  party OR we can learn something from it.

In that season of my life I learned that I'm A LOT stronger then I thought. And I found the hope I was looking for. The joy I wanted. The peace I needed. God is always wanting us to come to him with everything. Even though we go threw seasons God is still God. He never changes. So what ever your going threw run to God with it. He is waiting for you. And your not alone in your seasons. We all go threw them. So stand tall! God is on your side!

I hope y'all have a blessed day!

Girl In Ministry


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