The Diary Of A girl In Ministry

Well as you can tell by the name I am a girl in ministry.
 I've wanted to start a blog for a while but never knew what to talk about. But yesterday while talking to my best friend who is also a girl in ministry! I started thinking about ALL the lessons I've learned 
while in ministry. And thought  "Hey, maybe someone somewhere needs to hear my story, lessons, and my journey in ministry." So that's pretty much how this blog came to be.

I'm sure you'd like to know about me huh? Well I am a young adult girl who at the young age of 17 was called into ministry. To be more specific Youth Ministry. I know, I know you didn't see that coming. At 17 I didn't either. The year before was a hard year for me. I had struggled with depression due to some hurts in my life that left me scarred which I will be shearing about in other post. The year before this revelation of being "called" I went to youth camp. I was hurting so bad inside. I was desperate to know Who was God? Did He care? Was He there?
I grew up going to church but I never had a personal relationship with Him.
So while at the Alter I cried out to God "If your there come fix me. I can't live like this anymore!"
And the rest is  History! He Loved on me all week at camp. softened my heart of stone. The last day of camp I asked God "what do you want me to do? where do you want me to go? I'll do what you ask, I'll go where you want me to go." And His replay was "Forgive those who have hurt you."
Honestly I was hoping He'd send me to Africa. So for about a year the Holy Spirit reminded me every night to forgive those who had hurt me. 
So when I was 17 sitting in my room knowing I was called to great things for the Kingdom of God I had no idea He was gonna call me to Youth Ministry. You see at that time in my life I wasn't much of a talker. But If God called me to it He will help me threw it. Now I've been a youth leader for about 4 years. AND I LOVE IT. 

I hope to encourage y'all and help you in anyway I can.

-Girl In Ministry


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