Mark 16:15

I know I haven't posted in a while but that is because God has been teaching me LOTS of new things! So many wonderful things! And it's been non stop!! I do plan on posting about them soon, but not at this time. However, I will share that God is using this blog to reach so many across the world! I feel so blessed to be apart of y'all's lives! It means so MUCH. If you don't know, My mission is tell everyone about "The Good News". My verse is Mark 16:15 "He said to them "Go into all the WORLD and preach the gospel to all creation."

That is my goal. To reach y'all. God has blessed this blog so much. I know I don't post often enough BUT I have great news! I have a Facebook page! AND you can put a face to the name! I post on there daily and I will post on there when I have a new blog post. BUT WAIT! THERES MORE! I have an email! Please feel free to email me. I'd love to hear your story and to know how to pray for you! I love y'all SO much! God has some BIG plans! And BIG changes coming! So, go like my page, feel free to email me! And keep a look out for my next post!!

-Girl In Ministry  


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