The Power

I told her how I feel like I will never be anything more than a youth leader. How I feel like God had forgotten about me and the calling He put on my life. And how I struggle with just being happy with where I'm at in life.
That's hard to admit, because I LOVE being a youth leader...but I know there is more to my calling then being a youth leader.
I watch the preachers I look up to preaching at Passion week and other things like that. And I want it so bad, it almost hurts to dream big anymore because I feel forgotten. I feel like this is it. And honestly, that makes me super sad because I want more. I want to preach to hundreds. For me, it's not about being known by everyone BUT making HIM known by everyone.
Last week, I want to District Council. On the second night, the sermon was on "Thank you" and I honestly thought I knew where the sermon was going. I thought it was about us Thanking God and it was but that wasn't the main thing. As the sermon was coming to an end the speaker said he felt God lay it on his heart that God wanted to thank us...!
I know. I didn't know what to think or say. I was just in awe.
And then the speaker said that he and a bunch of others prayed and wrote down the thank yous that God wanted to say to us. Soon he had a bunch of other preachers and their wives spread out in the room, each with a stack of cards. He prayed over us and then he told us to pray and ask God where our card was. I prayed hard cause I was worried about getting the wrong one. But soon I went off and found mine.
When I got my card... Oh man. Who knew a note could feel so heavy to hold? I went back to my seat, took a big breath and opened it. And then cried. Yep. It was what I had been needing to hear for a while.
I felt two ways after crying. The first was guilt. I felt guilty because here God has placed me in a loving church where I get to preach every other week. And I get to use my gifts. So why should I be unhappy?! The second way I felt was an overflow of love and grace.
I felt found in a crowd of people.
Hearing "Thank You" from God gave me the strength I needed to keep going.
So for those of y'all who are leaders and maybe you feel stuck right now...HANG ON!! God has BIG things for you. I know that this is where I need to be at this time in my life.
In my devo book (Jesus Today pg. 128), it said, "I want you to learn the secret of being content in any and every situation. Contentment-training is a challenging process; it is learned through enduring a wide range of difficulties. You thought you were fairly advanced in..."
Honestly, this sounds like it's for things that we go through in our personal life, but I think this applies to our ministry life. It's hard sometimes, watching others get their dream job while you're still where you are and have been for what seems like forever. I started ministry school in 2013 I have yet to finish my last three classes to get the first part of my papers to be a licensed minister. Luckily, my school works with me on things and I can study at home. But still its hard to watch everyone around me moved forward while it feels like my dreams are put on hold.
Okay, just one more thing. At the end of that service, I was sitting, waiting, and a friend came up. We talked for just a minute and after she told me she loved my blog she said "I believe you are right where your supposed to be." She didn't know about my doubts and fears. But her words have helped me these past few days.
I am sooo BLESSED to be at where I am today. Because this is where God has me. And I need to enjoy this time in my life and learn as much as I can in this season in my life. Bigger things are to come. This I know for sure.
I hope this helps all of y'all struggling with where you are right now.
Just know that God hasn't forgot about you. And He is grateful for the hard work you put in daily. Remember to thank God daily for what He is doing in you and for you.
And just know that to be a great leader, you must be a great follower. So follow God where He leads you.
Hang in there!
-Girl In Ministry
I would love to here y'alls story's and to pray for y'all!
You can email me at
I have not been to the same church you are at in a long time but keep up with you and others there on Facebook. I just noticed your blog! Fantastic! I have always said FB is neither good nor bad--it's just a tool. It is how we use it that makes it good or bad. I have tried to use mine like a ministry sharing my relationship with God, experiences, recovery from alcoholism, etc. But I have thought about a blog at times and when I saw yours and realized how far reaching it can be--you have inspired me to start one! See God IS using you to reach others--even me! Vicki Neal
ReplyDeleteVicki! I am soooo glad I inspired you! All the glory goes to God! I can't wait to see what God does with your blog!
-Girl In Ministry
Just wanna say thanks for the your story it helps give me hope. I've been feeling like this for awhile but God has been helping me along the way. He showed me somethin similar about like what you qouted about the secret of being content even though I still struggle with it at times but I believe the best is yet to come. Pray that God continues to bless you. Thanks again