
That's how I felt after watching this video. I have felt so lost at times this past year. I have even felt unneeded, and like I didn't have a purpose. But it hit me after seeing this video.
I am NEEDED. I do have a PURPOSE. And I'm not LOST. My mission is to REACH the lost. And fight for a CAUSE.
But you know, something else happened after seeing this video.. I began to be angry. And I started to think...
How can everyone be more concerned about who their "MCM" or "WCW" is when there are MORE IMPORTANT things happening in the world? Or how about who their "bae" is...? I mean, really.
You're probably wondering what kind of video could have such an affect on me, huh? It's a video called, Porn: Human Trafficking at Your Finger Tips.
And you know the sad part? I shared this video on my Facebook page and I got 2 likes and 0 shares. However, I post a Bible verse I'll get 5 or more likes. Or if I post something funny, I'll get 10+...
I think that's sad. Christ gave His 100% to His cause... Oh yes, Christ died for a cause He believed in. The cause of YOU and ME. I know it makes a lot of people uncomfortable to talk about porn, sex, ect... but its time for a change.
I can't, I WONT sit back while girls and probably even boys are being drugged and used for porn. Nope, not gonna happen. My heart breaks for everyone lost and hurting. It's not just the ones in Human Trafficking.
I want to encourage you to be bold in your faith!
Stand out and stand up for Christ and the ones He loves. Let the fire inside you BURN stronger and brighter then ever before. God is up to something! Be a part of it! Don't limit your faith.
Jesus said Our Faith can MOVE Mountains! (see Matt 17:20)
So let's move some.
I hope this inspires someone to be bold. And to fight for a cause.
Until next time.
Girl In Ministry
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