
Have you ever felt freaked out by your calling.. like maybe God got it wrong? Or you maybe you have haters who don't believe in you. When I was first called into youth ministry I wasn't to sure how this would work. I'm a girl! And there have been times when I've said "God I think you got it wrong" and in His amazing loving way He always tells me "Oh no, I got it right."
In Matt 14 29-30 MSG
It says "Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But then he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink."
Yep that verse sums up me a lot! In the beginning of my ministry I JUMPED into it Fearlessly and then I let myself and others get me down and then doubt creeps in and I start to sink. It's so hard to shutout all the voices in your head saying you can't. In the beginning I was so focused on God and His will in my life. But here's the thing when your called and your pursuing your calling the devil works so hard on making you doubt your calling. And it can feel like your drowning. I know the reason I feel like I am drowning at times and its because like Peter I took my eyes off Jesus. I started doubting. I started letting others opinions affect me. And it's like I forget to look back up at Jesus. I know I'm not the only one who has struggled with this. 1 Peter 5:8 NIV says "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
Okay so here is what I take away from this verse. I need to "Be self-controlled" The AMP says "Be well balanced" and the ESV says "Be Sober-Minded" I NEED TO NOT LET things like doubt and and others opinions affect me. I need to take it straight to God Because if I don't and I let is dwell in my mind and heart it makes me venerable to the devil's "fiery arrows" (Eph 6:16). There is nothing the devil wants more then for me to give up on the calling on my life. But you know even though I struggle with doubt, fear,and anxiety I HAVE NO PLAN TO GIVE UP.

What do I want you to take away?

1) Waves are always gonna happen. But we don't have to sink.

2) Jesus is in the storm with us. Matt 14:29-30, Matt 8:23-27
And lastly...
3) Phil 4:13 "I can do ALL thing threw Christ who strengthens me."

It can be hard to be brave in a storm. But God is for us. And He will get us threw it. So keep on keeping on. Your struggle is not in vane. You are called. Remember that. Don't let the devil or others tell you other wise. I am praying for you! I hope this helps someone this week.

Girl In Ministry


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