
When we think of death, we tend to think of it as a negative. But what if I told you that it can be positive? Okay, let's talk about the negative part. Romans 6:23 says "For the wages of sin is death.."
So its safe to say that all SIN comes with a price. Most think that "death" means physical death... but that's not always the case. "Death" can be the death of a friendship, death of a dream, or even death of losing oneself. So look at it like this... When you are living in sin, you will get death.

Okay now for the positive.

Phili 1:21 AMP says, "For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of glory of eternity]."

So, when we live like Christ we gain eternity. What a wonderful gift!

Now, just so you don't just get confused.... one does not GET eternity because one is a "good person". Eternity is a GIFT for those who confess they are a sinner and accept Christ into their hearts and strive to live like Christ.
Here is the thing.. death is a guarantee, but how we die is up to us.

Let me break it down. "Death is a guarantee..." Okay, we are ALL going to die one day. It's a fact. "but how we die is up to us." We have the free will to accept Christ into our hearts. And when we do, we need to be willing to put the sin in our lives to death.

Now, that's hard! I know. I still sin daily. What do you want from me? I'm human. But here's the thing: when I do sin, I make sure to ask for forgiveness. That's the difference between being a Sinner and Saved By Grace. We all can have grace but not all of us will ask for it. 

 The points:
1) All sin comes with a price. 
2) We will ALL die one day.
3) To live like Jesus we must be willing to put the sin in our lives to death.

Wow! I don't think I've ever had 4 points before! Anyway, I hope this helps someone somewhere!

I'm working on more posts! 

-Girl In Ministry


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