Growing Pains

I still remember the moment I was called into youth ministry. I was 17, and I wasn't sure if I could do it. But I knew if God called me to it, with His help, I could. At 18, I started my journey in youth ministry. Now, I'm 24. 

As of this past March, I stepped down as the youth leader in my youth group. Even though I know this is God's will, it still hurts. These are my kids. I love each of them so much. They have made me a better person. Youth ministry is all I know. 

And, on top of this major transition, there have been a lot of other changes. Changes in my family. Changes in relationships. Changes in my personal life. And all of them in such a short time. It's been a lot to process.

And yet I have such peace. It overwhelms my heart. In this new season in my life, I am a young adults pastor at the church where I grew up. I honestly thought I would be with my youth longer, but I can't ignore God's hand in this time of change.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, it talks about how there is a time for everything. Some seasons seem to move so slow, and then others move so fast you almost can't take it all in. There have been so many changes in this season, it's been a bit overwhelming. This season has been a season of growth, and when you are growing, there will be growing pains.

"Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be you." - TobyMac

Honestly, this is not where I saw myself going this year. But in this time of growing pains, God has been faithful in giving me peace that passes all understanding. 

Don't get me wrong. I have struggled with anxiety, stress, and insecurities (in every area of my life lately). Some days are harder than others, and some days I just have to pray a little longer. I have to constantly remind myself that God is in control. But that's where God's faithfulness comes in. He's been faithful at walking with me at my own pace, and being gentle with my tender heart. 

I know this is just a season, even though there's some pain involved. And even though I want to run away and hide sometimes, I have to remind myself that God made me a warrior, and that he has a reason for every season in our lives. If I trust him, he can turn any season that seems terrible into something wonderful. 

I strongly believe that he is turning this season into something that will bring him glory.

God, I trust you. Do what you will. Amen.

                                 I'd like to dedicate this post to ALL of my youth.

Dear Refuge Youth,
I pray you remember everything I taught you about God's word. Y'all are the most amazing group of kids I know. Y'all are so faithful at seeking God. Don't ever stop! He longs for each of you. He has called each of you by name. And He has called y'all to greatness. Let the Spirit lead you on this journey called life. I am always here for each of you. And I love y'all with all of my heart. Go be new breeds, and tell the world just how great our God is!

With all of my heart,

For those of y'all who are reading this and are a youth leader or youth pastor that might be going through a time of change (and are moving to a new level), I just want to take a moment and tell you that I know it's hard to say goodbye to your kids. It's hard on us because we feel like these are our kids, even though they don't look like us. It's just plain hard. But just remember to trust God, to pray daily, and to allow yourself to grow, so that you can continually impact lives for the Kingdom of God.

I hope this blesses someone today.

Until next time,

- Girl in Ministry


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